This versatile template has multiple layers and can be customized for baseball or softball. Batting, pitching and throwing are all motions that can be featured with this template! A total of 5 colors of scoreboard strokes (frame around scoreboard) are included along with 5 different sky colors and one sky change! Add or remove smoke and fog.....or customize with some of your own! Included are changeable scoreboard numbers from 2019 to 2021! Just drag your favorite athlete into the template and have fun!
Upon purchase, you will be required to give your email address. Please check your email within 24 hours for instructions on how to download your template in zip file format.
You have the option of changing the year on the scoreboard from 2019 to 2021!
Usable for various pitching, batting or throwing motions
Option of changing scoreboard stroke color and sky color to match your school or team! Five colors included!
Green sky
You have the option of changing skies (2)
Template measures 6000x9000 pixels at 500 dpi with mutliple layers!

Red sky