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This level of coverage has Ann's Location Photography providing you with an indoor and outdoor session with 40-50 retouched images to view in my home and choose for purchase. Your session fee of $300 is due before any photography is begun and terms and conditions are discussed at your senior meeting.


This level of coverage has Ann's Location Photography providing you with an indoor

session only. You will have 25-30 retouched images to view in my home and choose for

purchase. Your session fee of $175 is due before any photography is begun.


This level of coverage has Ann's Location Photography providing you with an outdoor

session only. You will have 25-30 retouched images to view in my home and choose for

purchase. Your session fee of $175 is due before any photography is begun.

What your session fee pays for: Your session fee pays for the individual photography plan created just for your senior! This is sometimes referred to as a "creation fee" and includes the planning of your session, locations arranged, backgrounds chosen and the actual creative photography. Your session fee also pays for post-production of your images, blemish removal, skin softening, special effects and composite creation. I shoot with an assistant at most sessions and always bring auxiliary lighting and top of the line professional equipment and backup.