5x7 individual template
These three (3) templates are a must-have for your volume sports! The set includes a 5x7 individual, an 8x10 individual and an 8x10 team template....all of which are fully customizable to match any team you photograph! The templates are mutli-layered and usable with Photoshop software. Included in all 3 templates are 5 watercolor background color changes and 6 helmet color changes! Use the text tool to change to the name of your team and remove or leave the fire and smoke layer! The lightning is even removable....or add your own touches to individualize these versatile templates! If you need a background color that is not included, simple click on the red watercolor layer, press ctrl+U to bring up the Hue/Saturation box and then slide the Hue slider to match your color! You can even change the color of the gold layer with the same method! Drag your extracted athlete into the template and have fun!
Upon purchase, your email is required. Please check your email within 24 hours for instructions on how to download your templates in zip file format.
Tip: putting a gradient mask on the bottom of your athlete helps blend her/him into the scene!

8x10 individual template

Horizontal 8x10 team or group template
Six helmet colors and 5 watercolor backround colors are included with both templates!
Purple background with purple helmet
Gold background with red helmet

Green background with green helmet
Blue background with blue helmet
Templates measure 2500x3500 pixels at 500 dpi and 4000x5000 pixels are 500 dpi. Both have multiple layers to help you customize!